Jigsaw Puzzle XS

Very small puzzles, between 15 and 30 pieces. These Jigsaw Puzzles are so easy to solve, that to you mast be very fast to get a good result in the classification of the game. You have a maximum of 5 minutes to solve the puzzle. If you have not been able to finish it in that time, the number of pieces placed will be taken into account, and you will be given the option to continue solving the puzzle, although it will no longer count for the ranking of the game.

The system uses thousands of images (and sometimes videos) of photographs, paintings, landscapes, animals...
Their pieces may have very different shapes and styles.

If you want to solve larger puzzles, try the Medium Size Puzzle or the Puzzle XL.

To learn how to play Jigsaw Puzzle XS, you can …

… and read the detailed Jigsaw Puzzle game rules

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1 fenixzero player icon fenixzero 12888
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7 Caubi69 player icon Caubi69 6081
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10 vituquiño player icon vituquiño 5364

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