Jigsaw Puzzle rules

Jigsaw Puzzle game rules

How to play online Jigsaw Puzzles

The puzzles are generated from thousands of images (photographs, paintings, landscapes, animals, etc.); the pieces also vary in shapes and styles.

Sizes also may vary from 15 to 160 pieces. To begin, we recommend you to start with easiest Puzzle XS. But if you want to make large puzzles, try with Puzzle XL.

These are the tips that will help you to solve the puzzles:

  • Drag pieces using the left button of the mouse.
  • Click pieces to rotate them (you can also use the right button while you move the piece).
  • You should better start from the corners: pieces will stick to the frame if they are in the right place.
  • From the upper right corner you can change the background lighting, according to the tone of the pieces and your own preferences.
  • In the case of XL puzzles, you have a tool that makes easier joining the pieces by areas: you must mark a circular area (just click & drag on the panel), and click on the pieces you want to join in that area.
  • For XL puzzles you can also increase the size of the pieces by focusing on a specific area. To do this, use the buttons in the upper right corner.
Whenever you play a rated solitaire game in Ludoteka, you are competing against other players. Up to 25 different players will play the same game, during a maximum period of two days. For more information see the solitaire games.

Your result depends on the time wasted to solve the puzzle. If you do not finish, the number of pieces placed are taken into account.