Jigsaw Puzzle Medium size

The known jigsaw puzzle game. The best adaptation to make jigsaw puzzles on the Internet.

The puzzles are generated from thousands of images (sometimes they could be videos) of photographs, paintings, landscapes, animals, etc., and have pieces of different shapes and styles.

You have 15 minutes to complete the puzzle. If you do not solve the puzzle in that time, the number of pieces placed will be taken into account. In any case, you will have the option to continue solving the puzzle, although it will no longer count for the result of the game.

The puzzles are 40-80 pieces. If you want to make larger jigsaw puzzles, try the XL Puzzles. If you want smaller, try XS Puzzles.

To learn how to play Jigsaw Puzzle Medium size, you can …

… and read the detailed Jigsaw Puzzle game rules

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