Parcheesi 3 against 3

Parcheesi for 6 players

In the game of Parcheesi we offer the six players variant, in which two teams of three face on a 6-color parcheesi board (red, yellow, orange, blue, green and purple). As in the parcheesi partners variant, the player who cannot move any of the own pieces must move some of the pieces of the own team. The team that first manages to move all its pieces to the final square of the board will be the winner of the game.

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Top 10

1 Karim32 player icon Karim32 8530
2 Cristiiiii player icon Cristiiiii 8370
3 majoxi player icon majoxi 8214
4 nora_ player icon nora_ 7749
5 MaGdA1 player icon MaGdA1 7676
6 Rojo3333 player icon Rojo3333 7560
7 seijas_21 player icon seijas_21 7548
8 tocayo70 player icon tocayo70 7526
9 astur_mar player icon astur_mar 7461
10 MDP50 player icon MDP50 7428

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