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Play in Ludoteka

Meeting area. Starting games

Your preferences

Before starting, give your game preferences. There are three properties that define every game, and you can set them whenever you want:

  • Your preferred games. There are different variants for many of the games.
  • Game pace. This determines the time you will have to decide each play turn.
  • Rated or unrated. If you prefer that your games count for the scoring system or not.


The meeting area shows 3 panels:

  • Games: This panel shows the currently avalilable games that may be more interesting foy you.
  • Your game: Gives you the option to open a new game, and shows the game that you are ready to play.
  • Players: Your friends and some other people that could be inteersting for you.

How to start playing

You have two options to start playing:

1 - Select one game from the list.

2 - Choose the properties of the game you want to play, and open it.

Play with friends

If you want to play with friends, you can choose the players that can get into the game. You have two options to do it:

Choose players. You can decide who will be able to get into the game you open.

Choose partner. For team games, you can choose which players can be part of your team.

In both cases, you must select the players that can get into the game by clicking on the or icons in the Players list.

When some other player opens a restricted game and selects you, it will be displayed on top of the open games list.

Search players

Use the search input on the top bar to know about a someone in particular.

Players information

Remember that you can always click on players names to see their information and label them according to your preferences.
