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Log in, sign up and account changes

Account changes

You can change any of your account data in your account page: nickname, password, email or icon. Some changes will require you, as a security measure, to enter your current password.

  • Change nickname :
    • You can change the nickname, keeping all the user settings: scores, game history, player lists ...
    • This change is reflected everywhere in Ludoteka.com: history of played games, lists of friends and unwanted players ...
      Therefore, changing your nickname does not change your identity in Ludoteka.
    • If you want to set again a new nickname, you must wait at least one month after the last change.
    • To avoid confusion, nobody will be able to use your previous nickname for some time.
    • You must have Ludo+ subscription to change your nickname.
  • Change password :
    • You can change your password by choosing a new one yourself.
    • If you do not remember your current password, you can request a new one that will be sent to your email address.
  • Change email: It is important to keep a valid email. It is essential to recover a nick when you have problems with the password. It is also important to be able to identify if you cannot remember your nickname (using the email instead of the nickname).
    • You can write it yourself in the form. The operation must be confirmed using the link in the email received or using the keyword that will also be found in it.
    • You can use your Google or Facebook account.
  • Icon change: Choose an icon that you like. Use the icon editing tool: you will find hundreds of images that you can combine, changing their size, color and position.
  • Provide password: If you registered in Ludoteka directly using your Google or Facebook account, it was not necessary for you to provide us with a password, since it is Google or Facebook respectively that manages the identification in each session. But you can enter a password for your Ludoteka account at any time.
