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Play in Ludoteka

Game pace

There are 5 different paces to play a game: without clock, calm, normal, fast and very fast. The option without clock is only available to play unrated games.

Elastic time

Time management when playing in Ludoteka is optimized to keep the game smooth and to give players at the same time the opportunity to think calmly when the situation requires it.

The time that each player can dedicate to make their move varies in each turn in a flexible way.

There is a bar that shows you the total available time, whose color varies from green to red according to the rush to make your move.

The time bar represents the sum of two differentiated times:

  • Turn time. A few seconds, enough to respond in most situations of the games, that are reset at the end of the turn.
  • Added time. This time is longer, and allows you to think your move more calmly once in a while. If you waste most of the whole time, you will need to respond quickly during several turns to get the full bar recovered.

If you run out of time, the system performs a random move. In the case of chess and checkers, the added time is longer, but the player who runs out of time loses the whole game.

Choose a game pace that allows you to keep the bar green most of the time. If you often find yourself with the bar in red, or even time runs out, you should better choose a more relaxed pace to play.

Time calculations, in detail:

  • Depending on the game and pace, the turn time usually varies between 3 and 6 seconds, and the added time between 8 and 20 seconds.
  • At the end of each turn the system adds, at most, the turn time. If the move has been made in less than the turn time, the system adds the time used plus half the time remaining until the turn time.
    Example: if the turn time is 5”, and at any given moment you spend up to 10” of the added time, you will recover those 10” in 10 turns if you respond to an average of 2” faster than the turn time, that is, if you use an average of 3” in every turn.
  • The total time available never exceeds the initial time, that is, the sum of turn and added times.

Time in solitaires

Everything previously explained refers to the games played between 2 or more players.

You do not have to choose any pace to play solitaires. Each game is assigned a maximum time to be completed. If you run out of time, the system records the result obtained within the time, and usually you will have the option to continue until you finish it.

Depending on the type of solitaire game, you will want to play fast or calmly to get the best possible result. For example, in the case of puzzles you should always solve it as soon as you can, but in other games it is better to think calmly before making each move.
