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Description This is a Spanish card game, played with the standard deck of forty cards. The Spanish pack has 40 or 48 cards distributed in four suits: oros (golden coins), copas (glasses), espadas (swords) and bastos (sticks); the picture cards are sota (jack,10), caballo (horse,11), and rey (king,12). Most games are played with the 40 cards pack (pictures and cards from ace to seven), but some of them need also eights and nines. Any number of players may take part in the game, but it is not recommended to be more than 8 Here it may be played between 4, 5 or 6 players. Objective Usually players bet small amounts of money in every hand, and there is not any specific goal to win a whole game. Each player competes against the bank; the goal is to sum seven and a half or a close number, without exceeding. The value of the cards Picture cards value half a point each of them, and the values of the remaining cards are their indexes. How the game goes on Start of the game and each of the hands The bank is assigned randomly to any player at the start of the game. All players receive one card at the start of the deal. Playing All players, starting from the right of the bank, must perform two actions:
One only card may be kept down face; when asking for a new card there are two options: 1. Ask for a new card face up. 2. Ask for a new card face down; in this case the card that previously was hidden must be put face up. When the sum is already greater then seven and a half (the player has passed), all the cards must be shown and the bet is inmediately lost. Playing the bank The player who holds the bank must play after the others; if all of them have passed, the bank does not need to play. The banker does not have to bet, and must play as the other players, trying to get seven and a half or a near result. Paying The bank plays against all the other players; so, if the bank has passed, all the other players who have stood win their bets. If the bank stands, the cards are compared. The goal is to reach the nearest amount of points to seven and a half. If both have the same amount, the bank wins; in particular, if the bank gets seven and a half, there is no need to view the cards of the remaining players. The bank pays the bet to the players who have got a better game, and the other way round. The player who gets seven and a half, if the bank does not get it, is paid the double of the amount, and becomes the new bank in the next deal. Buying the bank Before starting a new deal the bank may be sold to any player who makes an offer to buy it. Special features in Ludoteka Due that Ludoteka does not offer the option to play with real or virtual money, we have made some adaptations of the game to be played as a match, as all the other games in Ludoteka.
Buying the bank in Ludoteka Players may bid for the bank; this is the system: Any player can make an offer after pointing his bet, and before playing the cards. If there is already some other offer in the same deal, the amount must be higher. The maximum amount to bid is half of the own score, substracting the amount of the bet. If there is any offer, it is shown to the bank at the end of the deal. If the bank is eliminated or changed because someone has got seven and a half, the offer is cancelled. Play now Play online with some other players Related links | |||||||
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